Great album, with Elvis rocking some of the best Christmas songs in his own inimitable style. If Irving Berlin had broadened his listening experiences, and realized that Elvis's version of "White Christmas" was done by The King in appreciation of The Drifter's take on the song, some of the controversy may have not arisen. What is really disheartening is that Elvis's Christmas songs are nowhere to be found on either Billboard's Hot 100 chart, or their Holiday charts. The former, last year, had Chuck Berry, Brenda Lee, Bobbly Helms, and that dribble by Mariah Carey in the top 10, while "Blue Christmas" languished at number 40.And this year, the Holiday chart has Cher at number 1, with LPs by Sinatra, Crosby, and Nat King Cole all in the top 10. Graceland and Sirius Radio need to let Elvis fans know of these glaring omissions, and urge everyone who still digs "Santa Claus Is Back in Town," "Santa Bring My Baby Back to Me," and the totally ignored "If Every Day Was Like Christmas," to demand they be heard hourly, every day, from now until December 25th.As Elvis might say, "C'mon Everybody."